Natural Happiness

Learn from nature to grow your wellbeing and resilience


Now available to pre-order, Alan’s new book, published March 2024. 

 How can we stay happy when there’s so much uncertainty around? The answer is to cultivate yourself like a garden, and grow your own wellbeing by learning from nature.

This unique book shows how you can use gardening methods such as composting, mulching, and crop rotation to cultivate human nature, too. A gardener applies skills like observation, patience and creativity — and you can adapt them to deal with daily stresses and big issues such as climate change. 

Natural Happiness is a simple, practical guide that supports people in their personal lives, in their work, in their communities and in making sense of wider issues: it’s all in Alan’s new book, see more here.

Introducing Natural Happiness

Start sowing the seeds to cultivate your very own, organically grown, Natural Happiness


Tailored Workshops and Coaching

from the Natural Happiness Advocates


How to compost your troubles!

One of the Seven Seeds of Natural Happiness


Natural Happiness: Use Gardening Skills to Cultivate Yourself

April 19-21, 2024 at Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking, Stroud


From Composting to Co-creation | October 18-20 2024

GreenSpirit Annual Gathering We live in a world of beauty and joy, yet also face challenges and suffering. Green spirituality teaches us that creation and transformation are part of our journey, inviting us to co-create with nature. During this weekend event, featured...

Faith, Hope, Resilience | Saturday November 9

A reflective day With Alan Heeks and Simon Lockett How can we find our steady centre in these uncertain times? Where do we place our faith and our hope? What would spiritual resilience look like, for us and our communities? This day of exploration and support will...

Men’s Elderhood Retreat | November 15-17

A men's peer group   Llanthony Valley, Black Mountains, Wales This weekend offers a shared space to explore as a peer group how we harvest the fruits and adjust to the losses of getting older: a chance to look afresh at our past and present, and consider the future...


Open launch events:

March 7: Online 7-8pm.
March 13: Chelsea Physic Garden, 2-4pm.
March 22: Hay-on-Wye, 10am – 12 noon.
April 19-21: Stroud, residential

The Seven Seeds of Natural Happiness

The times we’re in are tough: it’s clear that we need new approaches and models to thrive in all this. Natural Happiness is a simple, practical approach which can help in your life and work, and for work teams and communities.

Alan Heeks has created a unique model based on what he calls the Seven Seeds of Natural Happiness, which offer ways to cultivate your wellbeing and resilience through parallels with organic gardening: for example, nourishing your roots, composting stress, natural energy sources. 

Read more about the Seven Seeds here.

Organic gardening methods offer us many useful parallels for growing happiness, and the Seven Seeds are a distillation of what Alan has learned over the last 30 years.


In this section of the website you’ll find a range of processes and resources I have created which can help you to grow your own natural happiness and resilience. These are explained and explored in the new book.

Seven Seeds Overview

How can you stay happy when there’s too much change and uncertainty?  Are there ways to bounce back and thrive if life is getting you down?  Natural Happiness uses skills from organic gardening and farming to help you cultivate your own wellbeing. The Seven Seeds...

Natural Happiness Seed 1: Nourish Your Roots

This is the first in a series of blogs presenting the Seven Seeds of Natural Happiness, a unique way to help people grow their own happiness using parallels with organic gardening and farming, created by Alan Heeks. For an overview of all seven seeds, click here. In...

Natural Happiness Seed 2: Natural Energy Sources

Do you find it’s getting harder to find the energy to get through the day? You’re not alone! Life and work really are getting more complex and demanding for most of us, so it’s no wonder if your energy feels depleted more often. One reason why this topic is so...

Natural Happiness Seed 3: Compost Your Troubles

Imagine that you can tap into a major new source of energy and insight, that’s already within you: it’s free, abundant, and just needs a bit of effort to process it.  What’s more, you’ll be creating benefits out of problems that drain energy and pollute your inner...

Natural Happiness Seed 4: Shaping Uncertainty – The Co-Creative Way

​Most people are trying to shape their lives amid more uncertainty than they can handle: co-creative skills make this easier. It's about finding solutions with other people's needs, with apparent obstacles, with uncertainty, balancing them with your own needs and...

Natural Happiness Seed 5: Cultivating Community

When I think about how we can all prepare better for the turbulent times ahead, raising the resilience of local communities comes up as a top priority: this is something we can all contribute to, without waiting on all the many policy steps which national government...

Natural Happiness Seed 6: Growing Through Climate Change

The climate crisis can easily feel overwhelming, bewildering and depressing. Human nature needs something to hope for, and that’s hard to find when the outlook appears bleak. We need to redefine what kind of hope is possible, and to keep managing our perception of...

Natural Happiness Seed 7: Natural Inspiration

The future outlook for all of us is turbulent. We’re going to need a quantum step up in our resilience, and that’s what this blog aims to offer you. I believe the fastest way to do this is by a deeper connection with inspiration, and what we might call higher...

Resource Toolkit: Personal Energy Audit

This can be a powerful process to help you understand your sources and uses of physical, emotional, mental and inspirational energy. Gardeners and farmers manage the energy mix for their land, and you can do this for your personal ecosystem.   Asking yourself “How’s...

Cultivation Cycle checklists

For gardens and farms, every stage of the cultivation cycle and all four seasons are important.  This holds true for people’s work and life generally, but we often over-focus on some stages of the cycle, and neglect others.  This quick checklist will help you see how...

Featured Posts

Natural Happiness Seed 1: Nourish Your Roots

Natural Happiness Seed 1: Nourish Your Roots

This is the first in a series of blogs presenting the Seven Seeds of Natural Happiness, a unique way to help people grow their own happiness using parallels with organic gardening and farming, created by Alan Heeks. For an overview of all seven seeds, click here. In...

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Deepening with the Earth

Deepening with the Earth

How to nourish yourself with Nature connection Aiding our wellbeing through Nature contact has become a truism, but as life keeps getting more uncertain and demanding, we truly need to deepen with the Earth, for both emotional and physical health. That's what this...

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