Men’s Elderhood Retreat | November 15-17

A men’s peer group


Llanthony Valley, Black Mountains, Wales

Walking in the Black Mountains

This weekend offers a shared space to explore as a peer group how we harvest the fruits and adjust to the losses of getting older: a chance to look afresh at our past and present, and consider the future we’d like to help create. How can we serve as elders in these troubled times, and be good ancestors to those who come after us? What’s the balance, in later life, between inner contemplation and outer action? This retreat is intended as a supportive circle for men who would like to explore these and other questions.

This will be a peer group for a maximum of six men, enabled by Alan Heeks and Mark Smalley: we will all shape the way we use the time together. Our time will probably include group processes, walks (to a beautiful waterfall), meditation and solo time. Our venue is Trwyn Tal, a 30-acre hill farm with amazing views and upland walks, set in the sacred landscape of the Llanthony Valley, in the Black Mountains, extremely quiet, but accessible: about half an hour north of Abergavenny (nearest train station), and about 1.5 hours from Bristol by car. See more at We will have a spacious self-catering cottage as our base, plus bedrooms in the farmhouse: total group size six, assuming that two men are sharing a twin room or that one man is in a tent or campervan. The cost for accommodation will be £165, and we will share food purchases and cooking between us. For more info or bookings, please contact Mark Smalley, /07764 335 688