Born to be wild: fresh adventures

Born to be wild: fresh adventures

Everyday life these days can be uncertain and unsettling for anyone, and getting older may just seem to make that worse. It may feel tempting to settle into your rut, retreat into safety. In fact, you’re likely to be more happy and resilient if you open up to fresh...

Resource Toolkit – Change the Story

If you’re setting an intention for positive change, changing the story is an important part of shifting you or someone else out of a habitual response. One of my biggest insights since turning 60 has been the way repeating stories shape our lives. The older we get,...

Privacy Policy: for Alan Heeks’ e-newsletter list

The new General Data Protection Regulations require anyone holding data to review and publish a privacy policy. Here is mine: The only data I hold is individuals’ name and email address.  The only use I make of this data is periodic email newsletters. You can easily...