Learning to Unlearn

Learning to Unlearn

Yes, it’s a paradox, but our ways of thinking, our habitual responses, are so deeply set that a deliberate effort of unlearning is needed if we want to see things as they are, and be able to find a fresh response. I’ve been exploring Sufi teachings for...
Deepen your Roots

Deepen your Roots

Resilience, Connection and Joy for crazy times  ​Five online workshops: Wednesdays April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 4.30-6 pm, 4.30-6 pm With Alan Heeks and Karim Hadden  In stormy times, we all need to deepen our roots and find more resources, more...
Connecting with Soul

Connecting with Soul

A 1-day workshop in Bridport: Saturday February 1, 2020 With Alan Heeks, Linda Heeks, John Harley This is a chance to explore different ideas of what the soul is, and various ways to contact it. One aim is to see if soul contact can guide us in clarifying our life...
Deep Adaptation in local communities

Deep Adaptation in local communities

Deep Adaptation in local communities Two of my current crumbs of comfort are a sense that many more people now recognise that we’re in a crisis, and that I hear the need for adaptation being widely accepted. Whilst I used to get annoyed that newer crises were...