Why composting is a skill for our times

Why composting is a skill for our times

Here’s a provocative thought: in a natural system, there is no waste. Anything which seems useless or decayed can be repurposed, and one of the main processes for this is composting. Animal and plant waste may look and smell unpleasant, but it’s full of energy and...

Big picture views of current chaos

“It rests on kindly people to save the world” Guest blog by Palden Jenkins We look a little too closely at the pandemic to see clearly what’s going on: what the long-term future will reveal is that in 2020 we crossed a tipping point – though really this...

Resource Toolkit – Change the Story

If you’re setting an intention for positive change, changing the story is an important part of shifting you or someone else out of a habitual response. One of my biggest insights since turning 60 has been the way repeating stories shape our lives. The older we get,...